Is your code vulnerable?

When dependencies in your project have known vulnerabilities, how do you know whether you’re actually using the vulnerable part of a dependency? Use IntelliJ IDEA’s Vulnerable API Usages inspection to find out!

Is your code vulnerable?


Overview of IntelliJ IDEA 2023

IntelliJ IDEA is designed to help developers like us stay in the flow while we’re working. Like all IDEs, it has a lot of functionality available, but it’s designed to get out of your way to let you focus on the code.

Take a look at this overview of IntelliJ IDEA.


  • Find Action: ⌘ ⇧ A (on macOS) / Ctrl+Shift+A (on Windows/Linux)
  • Feature Trainer
  • Hide all windows: ⌘ ⇧ F12 (on macOS) / Shift+Command+F12 (on Windows/Linux)
  • Project tool window: ⌘1 (on macOS) / Alt+1 (on Windows/Linux)
  • Quick Switch Scheme: ^`(on macOS) / Ctrl+` (on Windows/Linux)
  • IDE viewing modes
  • Preferences: ⌘, (on macOS) / Ctrl+Alt+S (on Windows/Linux)

Coding assistance

  • Code completion
  • Complete Current Statement: ⌘ ⇧ ⏎ (on macOS) / Shift+Ctrl+Enter (on Windows/Linux)
  • Show Context Actions: ⌥ ⏎ (on macOS) / Alt+Enter (on Windows/Linux)
  • Intention actions
  • Navigate to next highlighted error: F2
  • Navigate to previous highlighted error: Shift F2
  • Generate code: ⌘ N (on macOS) / Alt + Insert (on Windows/Linux)
  • Live templates


  • Rename: Shift F6
  • Extend selection: ⌥ Up (on macOS) / Ctrl+W (on Windows/Linux)
  • Extract variable: ⌘ ⌥ V on macOS) / Ctrl+Alt+V (on Windows/Linux)
  • Postfix completion
  • Reformat code: ⌘ ⌥ L (on macOS) / Ctrl+Alt+L (on Windows/Linux)
  • Move statement up: ⇧⌘ Up (on macOS) / Ctrl+Shift+Up (on Windows/Linux)
  • Surround with: ⌘ ⌥ T (on macOS) / Ctrl+Alt+T (on Windows/Linux)
  • SmartType Completion: ^ ⇧ Space  (on macOS) / Shift+Ctrl+Space (on Windows/Linux)
  • Inline: ⌘ ⌥ N (on macOS) / Ctrl+Alt+N (on Windows/Linux)
  • Extract method: ⌘ ⌥ M on macOS) / Ctrl+Alt+M (on Windows/Linux)

Testing & Debugging


  • Navigate backwards: ⌘ [ (on macOS) / Ctrl+Alt+Left (on Windows/Linux)
  • Navigate forwards: ⌘ ] (on macOS) / Ctrl+Alt+Right (on Windows/Linux)
  • Find usages / declaration: ⌘ B (on macOS) / Ctrl+B (on Windows/Linux)
  • Recent Files: ⌘E (on macOS) / Ctrl+E (on Windows/Linux)
  • Recent locations: ⇧⌘E (on macOS) / Ctrl+Shift+E (on Windows/Linux)
  • Search everywhere: ⇧⇧ (on macOS) / Shift Shift (on Windows/Linux)
  • Find in files: ⇧⌘F (on macOS) / Ctrl+Shift+F (on Windows/Linux)

Reading Code

  • Folding -> Expand: ⌘ + (on macOS) / Ctrl+ + (on Windows/Linux)
  • Folding -> Collapse: ⌘ – (on macOS) / Ctrl+ – (on Windows/Linux)
  • Folding -> Expand All : ⇧ ⌘ + (on macOS) / Ctrl+Shift+ + (on Windows/Linux)
  • Folding -> Collapse All: ⇧ ⌘ + (on macOS) / Ctrl+Shift+ – (on Windows/Linux)
  • File Structure: ⌘ F12 (macOS) / Ctrl+F12 (Windows/Linux) – Twice to expand list
  • Quick documentation: F1 (macOS) / Ctrl+Q (Windows/Linux)
  • Toggle Rendered View:  ^ ⌥ Q (macOS) / Ctrl+Alt+Q (Windows/Linux)

Version Control support (Git)

  • Commit: ⌘ 0 (macOS) / Alt+0 (Windows/Linux)
  • Jump to last tool window: F12
  • Show diff: ⌘ D (macOS) / Ctrl+D (Windows/Linux)
  • Commit Anyway and Push: ⌥ ⌘ K (on macOS) / Ctrl+Alt+K (on Windows/Linux)
  • Git tool window: ⌘9 (on macOS) / Alt+9 (on Windows/Linux)
  • Terminal: ⌥ F12 (on macOS) / Alt+F12 (on Windows/Linux)
  • Git integration

Language and technology support

Integrated tools support

Analyzing dependencies in IntelliJ IDEA

If you’re working on a real world project, you’re probably using external dependencies. You might need to analyze which dependencies your application uses. For example, you may want to find out how a particular version of a dependency ended up in your application. Let’s take a look at how IntelliJ IDEA can help you to analyze dependencies.

Using the Dependency Analyzer

We can view our dependencies in the Maven or Gradle tool window. Here, we can expand dependencies to show their transitive dependencies, or collapse them again.

Open the Dependency Analyzer

We can open the Dependency Analyzer from the Maven or Gradle tool window by clicking the Analyze Dependencies… button. This will open the Dependency Analyzer showing the Resolved Dependencies on the left and their Usages on the right.

Alternatively, we can right-click a dependency in the Maven or Gradle tool window and select Analyze Dependencies from the context menu. This will open the Dependency Analyzer with the dependency selected.

We can hide all tool windows (⇧⌘F12 on macOS / Control+Shift+F12 on Windows/Linux), so we can focus on the dependencies.

Viewing dependencies in the Dependency Analyzer

We can view the dependencies as a tree by clicking the Show as Tree button and Expand or Collapse them as needed by pressing the corresponding buttons.

We can also click the View Options button and toggle Show GroupId, to show the GroupId for dependencies or not.

Finding a specific dependency

To see where we are getting a specific version of a particular library, we can search for that dependency. For example, when we search for “log4j” we see that we are only getting it via this spring-boot-starter, and it’s a version newer than the one where log4shell was fixed.

Finding conflicts

We might only want to look at dependencies that have conflicts. When we select the Show Conflicts Only button, we see only dependencies that have conflicts. In this example, we see that there is a conflict with the checker framework dependency. Fortunately, it’s been resolved; we see that one version is greyed out. If we go back to the Maven tool window, we see that this version has been omitted for conflict. We can see that the version we are using is 3.5.0 which we get from postgres.

Selecting scopes

We can also select a scope (for example, if we want to look at our test dependencies or exclude them from analysis). Since we’ve opened the Dependency Analyzer from the Maven tool window, we see the Maven scopes.

When we open the Dependency Analyzer from the Gradle tool window, the list of scopes will contain Gradle scopes.

More context

For more context, we can click a specific dependency and select Open Maven Config to open its pom.xml or Go to Maven Dependency to open the location in the pom.xml where this dependency is declared.

Using the Dependency Diagram

If you are using IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, you can also view your dependencies as a diagram.

Show Diagrams

We can open diagrams either by right-clicking the project in the Project tool window and selecting Diagrams | Show Diagrams, or by using the shortcut ⌥ ⇧ ⌘ U (on macOS) or Ctrl+Alt+Shift+U (on Windows/Linux). You’ll notice this gives you several diagram options to choose from. In this case, we’re interested in the Gradle Dependencies, so we select that one. We can hide all tool windows (⇧⌘F12 on macOS / Control+Shift+F12 on Windows/Linux), so we can focus on the diagram.

Zoom in

If the project we’re looking at pulls in a lot of transitive dependencies, like this example, the diagram can be quite large. We can zoom in and out using the + and – keys, or the + and – buttons in the diagram window.

Finding a specific dependency

To look for a specific dependency and see where we get it from, we can search for this dependency using ⌘F (on macOS) or Ctrl+F (on Windows/Linux) to find it in the diagram. Using the button Show Paths: Root -> Selection, we can check the path for this dependency and click related dependencies to follow the path to the root.

Focus on related nodes

We have other options to look into specific dependencies. For example, we can zoom in on a specific dependency and the related nodes. Right-click the dependency you’re interested in, and from the context menu, select Analyze graph > Focus on Node Neighbourhood. This will give you several options. In this example, we’ll look at both directions. When we are done, we can reopen Analyze graph context menu and select Drop focus.

Select scopes

We can change the visibility level, by clicking the Change Visibility Level button for example if we want to focus on compile or runtime dependencies only.

Summary and Shortcuts

Now we know several ways to analyze our project’s dependencies in IntelliJ IDEA.

IntelliJ IDEA Shortcuts Used

Here are the IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts that we used.

NamemacOS ShortcutWindows / Linux Shortcut
Recent Files⌘ECtrl+E
Hide all windows / Restore windows⇧⌘F12Ctrl+Shift+F12
Open / Close Project Tool Window⌘1Alt+1
Show Diagram⌥⇧⌘UCtrl+Alt+Shift+U
Zoom in (in the diagram)++
Zoom out (in the diagram)
Find Elements in Diagram⌘FCtrl+F
Context Actions⌥⏎Alt+Enter

Related Links

IntelliJ IDEA: Analyzing Dependencies

If you’re working on a real world project, you’re probably using external dependencies. You might need to analyze which dependencies your application uses. For example, you may want to find out how a particular version of a dependency ended up in your application. Let’s take a look at how IntelliJ IDEA can help you to analyze dependencies.


Using bots to keep our dependencies up to date

Any real world Java project will likely use external dependencies. As we’ve seen over the last few years, it’s important to keep these dependencies up to date. We used to have to manually check for updates, but fortunately these days there are tools available that can help us with this. Because, let’s be honest, most developers don’t enjoy maintaining applications. We’d much rather be using cool new tools and/or language features, and solving interesting problems. Sorry, I mean: delivering business value! But we are responsible for keeping our dependencies up to date, so let’s make that as easy as possible. In this blog post we will look at one category of tools that can help us: bots that can automatically create pull requests (PRs) to keep dependencies secure and up to date. 

For Java, we currently have three options: Dependabot, Renovate and Snyk Open Source. They each support other programming languages too, but as I mostly use Java and other JVM languages I have limited myself to these. Let’s take a look at which features they provide and their similarities and differences.

Sidenote: In order to try out and compare these bots, I’ve added them one by one to my personal GitHub profile and will describe here how to add them to your GitHub profile, as well as link to information about other integration options.


The first bot we will look at is Dependabot. Since Dependabot is GitHub native, we can enable most of its features from the Settings > Security > Code security and analysis. Here we can enable (or disable) the available features, and select which ones we would like to automatically enable for new repositories. 

Dependabot settings on GitHub
Dependabot settings on GitHub


Dependabot offers the following features: Alerts, security updates and vulnerability updates. 

When Dependabot is enabled, it provides a Dependency Graph under the Insights tab of your project. The Dependencies tab shows any alerts to the owner of the repository. The Dependents tab shows any projects that depend on your project. In the Dependabot tab version updates can be configured.

When we enable Dependabot alerts, we will receive alerts for vulnerabilities in our repositories and we can manually generate pull requests (PRs) to resolve them. We can configure how we would like to receive these alerts. We can also view them in the Dependency Graph in the Dependencies tab.

GitHub project Insights tab with the Dependabot Dependencies graph Dependencies tab open and yellow alert stating We found potential security vulnerabilities in your dependencies.
Dependabot Dependencies graph

We can click the button to View Dependabot alerts to see more information about the alerts.

Details of Dependabot alerts on GitHub, listing several Critical updates
Dependabot alerts

Pull requests

When we enable Dependabot security updates, Dependabot will open pull requests (PRs) automatically to resolve vulnerabilities. These PRs provide information about the severity of the vulnerability, CVSS base metrics, and CVEs. We can hover over the CVSS base metrics and CVEs to get more information. We can review the changes, or dismiss the alert.

Dependabot pull request for a security update on jackson-databind with information about the vulnerabilities found.
Dependabot security update

To enable version updates, you need to add a dependabot.yml file to your repository.


In this configuration file, you need to provide the package manager, the directory that contains your manifest file and a scheduling interval (daily, weekly, or monthly). You can configure more options, like when it should be scheduled (date, time, timezone), the maximum number of PRs (the default is 5), rebase strategy, settings that can help you manage the PRs like target branch, assignees, reviewers, commit messages and labels, and more. For more information on configuration options, see the Dependabot documentation on configuration.


While Dependabot is GitHub native, it is possible to run it locally or on GitLab too. 


Like Dependabot, Renovate offers security updates and version updates. In addition, Renovate will also create a project dashboard listing all updates needed on a particular project.

Renovate is available on GitHub via a GitHub app. To configure Renovate for your GitHub account, go to Renovate allows you to set Repository access to either All repositories or Only select repositories. Renovate is the only one of these three options that allows you to try it out on only one repository first, so if you’ve never used one of these bots, I’d recommend starting with Renovate on one repository.

Install Renovate on your personal account with the option to select All repositories or Only select repositories.
Install Renovate

Renovate will create an onboarding pull request to the selected repositories. The onboarding PR contains basic configuration for Renovate to run. It describes the configuration in a Configuration Summary, and provides some information about What to Expect when the PR is merged (in this example, a list of PRs that will be opened).

Renovate onboarding PR with Configuration Summary
Renovate Onboarding PR
What to Expect section of Renovate's onboarding PR listing which PRs will be opened.
Renovate What to Expect
Renovate basic configuration
Renovate basic configuration

Note: These screenshots were taken from the PR created in September 2022. It may have changed since then.


Renovate offers additional configuration options. In addition to setting a maximum number of PRs, Renovate allows you to to set a maximum number of concurrent branches or even an hourly limit, which can help to keep the number of open PRs and branches manageable. Renovate also lets you configure when to rebase (or not), and settings to help you manage the PRs assignees, reviewers, commit messages, labels, and more. Overall, Renovate offers more configuration options, and these options are more fine-grained than Dependabot’s options.

For more information, see the Renovate documentation on configuration options.

Once the onboarding PR is merged and the configuration file is added to your repository, Renovate will start opening pull requests with updates on the selected repositories.

Renovate pull request for jackson-databind security update
Renovate pull request

Pull requests

These PRs contain information about the reason a PR was created including which package was updated, the current and new version, as well as the following information to help you decide whether or not to merge the PR and apply the update (apart from your build being green).

  • Age: The age of the package
  • Adoption: The percentage of this package’s users (within Renovate) which are using this release
  • Passing: The percentage of updates which have passing tests for this package
  • Confidence: The confidence level for this update

For more information, see the Renovate documentation on merge confidence.

Auto merging PRs

In addition, Renovate offers the option for rule based auto merging of PRs; a feature that lets you automate upgrading dependencies. When auto merging is enabled, Renovate tries to merge the proposed update once the tests pass. Renovate recommends that you enable auto merge only for any type of dependency updates which you would just merge anyway, and keeping auto merge disabled for updates where you want to review the release notes and/or code before merging. Of course, great test coverage is also very helpful here! Renovate is currently the only of these three options that offers this feature.


Finally, Renovate will add a Dependency Dashboard to your project, listing all Renovate updates and detected dependencies. This dashboard can be enabled or disabled as desired. 

GitHub project Issues tab with a Renovate Dependency Dashboard link
Renovate Dependency Dashboard
Renovate project Dashboard with a list of all outdated dependencies that can be updated.
Renovate project Dashboard

In addition, Renovate provides a general dashboard with all projects & jobs run, which you can find under if you have Renovate enabled.


Note: If you are not using GitHub, Renovate currently also supports other platforms. For more information, see the Renovate documentation on supported platforms.

Snyk Open Source

Snyk Open Source is available from Snyk. There are more steps to enable it for your GitHub Profile, but it also offers more features. To enable Snyk Open Source, go to and select Start free. You will need to Authorize snyk on your GitHub profile, select repository access (either Public and private repos or Public repos only), select other available features you want to use, and provide a Personal access token on GitHub.

Snyk Open Source website with the option to Start free
Snyk Open Source Start free


In addition to security updates, version updates, and dashboards, Snyk Open Source offers to test for new vulnerabilities and/or test for vulnerabilities in source code. These options are currently not offered by Dependabot or Renovate. As this blog post focussed on tools to help you detect possible vulnerabilities in your dependencies and automatically create PRs to upgrade them, we will not look at scanning the source code for vulnerabilities here.

Snyk Open Source screen to Select GitHub repository access for Public and private repos or Public repos only with additional features to select
Snyk Open Source GitHub repository access and additional features

Pull requests

When enabled, Snyk Open Source will open PRs on the selected repositories. These PRs also include information about the reason for the PR, severity of a vulnerability, priority score and why it has this score, details of the version upgrade (current and new version), and more.

Snyk Open Source pull request for jackson-databind with information about the vulnerability found.
Snyk Open Source pull request

By default, Snyk Open Source will combine related updates into one single PR to help reduce the noise. Dependabot does not currently offer this option, while Renovate can be configured to do something similar.

Snyk Open Source pull request that bundles several updates.
Snyk Open Source combined PR

Snyk Open Source also has the option to test for new vulnerabilities. When enabled, incoming PRs will be checked for known vulnerabilities to make sure that no known vulnerabilities are added to the code base. Dependabot and Renovate do not currently offer this feature.

GitHub screen saying All checks have passed including a Snyk Open Source security test has passed
Snyk Open Source security test on PRs


We can configure the frequency with which Snyk Open Source should run (daily, weekly, never). We can enable or disable scanning for new and/or known vulnerabilities, so we can clear our backlog of known vulnerabilities separately from making sure we don’t get any new vulnerabilities. This might help getting started with updating outdated dependencies without getting overwhelmed with too many updates. Dependabot and Renovate do not currently offer this option. Finally, we can also enable or disable PRs for a single project, so we can start using Snyk Open Source on a single project like we can with Renovate, but this is not a default option. 


The dashboards offered by Snyk Open Source are the most extensive of these three options. The dashboards provide an overview of known vulnerabilities found in your repositories with the number of vulnerabilities and their severity visible per project and overall.

Snyk Open Source Dashboard listing pending tasks and vulnerable projects and an issues summary, listing number and severity of vulnerabilities found.
Snyk Open Source Dashboard


You can use Snyk Open Source in the Snyk Web UI, with the Snyk CLI, in your IDE, or with an API. For more information, see the Snyk Open Source documentation.


As we have seen, the different bots offer different features. All of the options discussed here can automatically open pull requests for vulnerable dependencies and version upgrades. The information they provide with these PRs differs, as do the number and type of configuration options. Which bot is right for you will depend on needs and preferences.

Links / sources:

Package Checker: Find and fix vulnerabilities inside IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate

In this blogpost, we’re going to take a look at the Package Checker plugin, that’s bundled with IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate. We’ll have a look at how to view known vulnerabilities in your Maven or Gradle projects, how to get more information about the known vulnerabilities in a specific dependency and how to remediate these vulnerabilities inside IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate if a new version with a fix is available.

Package Checker plugin

There are several ways to view known vulnerabilities for the dependencies to your project.

View vulnerable dependencies in Maven projects

In a Maven project, all of your project’s dependencies are declared in the pom.xml. When we open the pom.xml file for a project which contains vulnerable dependencies, we see that several dependencies are highlighted.

Maven pom.xml with vulnerable dependencies highlighted

The Package Checker plugin highlights vulnerable dependencies and when we hover over the highlighted dependency, IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate shows all the vulnerabilities that were identified in this particular dependency. When we click on link for the CVE for a particular vulnerability, we’re redirected to the Checkmarx Advisory to learn more about this specific vulnerability.

Maven pom.xml with hover

Another way to see all the vulnerable packages is by right-clicking on the pom.xml file and selecting Analyze > Show Vulnerable Dependencies. This will open the Vulnerable Dependencies tool window.

Open Vulnerable Dependencies tool window from pom.xml
Vulnerable Dependencies tool window

View vulnerable dependencies in Gradle projects

In a Gradle project, all of your project’s dependencies are declared in the build.gradle. When we open the build.gradle file for a project which contains vulnerable dependencies, we see that several dependencies are highlighted.

We can open the Vulnerable Dependencies tool window from the build.gradle file. For example, let’s have a look at the Spring PetClinic, which uses Gradle. We can right-click the build.gradle file and go to Analyze > Show Vulnerable Dependencies. This will open the Vulnerable Dependencies tool window.

Open Vulnerable Dependencies tool window from build.gradle
Vulnerable Dependencies tool window

View vulnerable dependencies in the Vulnerable Dependencies tool window

We can also open the Vulnerable Dependencies tool window without having to open the files where our dependencies are declared. To open the Vulnerable Dependencies tool window straight from the main menu, go to Code > Analyze Code > Show Vulnerable Dependencies.

Open Vulnerable Dependencies tool window from menu

The Vulnerable Dependencies tool window shows all the vulnerable dependencies for the project. For each vulnerability, we can see an indication of the severity. There are two different views; the flat view shows all the vulnerable dependencies in this project and the dependency hierarchy view shows the dependency tree and the hierarchy between dependencies.

Vulnerable Dependencies tool window flat view
Vulnerable Dependencies tool window dependency hierarchy view

When we click a specific dependency, we can see more information about the vulnerabilities that were found in that dependency. In the Vulnerable Dependencies tool window details pane on the right, we can click the link to Read more under the information about a particular dependency, which will take us to the information about this specific vulnerability in the Checkmarx Advisory.

Vulnerable Dependencies tool window details

To see all the dependencies of the project regardless of whether they’re vulnerable or not, we can click the Show safe button on the top left of the Vulnerable Dependencies tool window.

Show safe button

The dependencies without known vulnerabilities are shown with a green checkmark next to it. We still have the same two views; the flat view and the dependency hierarchy view. We can use the Show safe button to toggle between showing all dependencies or vulnerable dependencies only. We can use the Collapse all or Expand all buttons to collapse or expand the views.

Show safe dependencies

Remediate dependencies using IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate

Finally, we can remediate these vulnerabilities. We can click Copy safe version to clipboard in the Vulnerable Dependencies tool window details pane to copy the safe version and paste it into our build file.

Copy safe version to clipboard

We can also fix it directly in our build file. When we hover over a specific vulnerable dependency, the hover menu includes an action that we can click to upgrade the version (if a new version is available).

Show hover

Fixed version from hover

Alternatively, we can use the intention action shortcut, ⌥ ⏎ on MacOs, or Alt+Enter on Windows/Linux and select the action to upgrade the version (if a new version is available).

Show context actions
Fixed version from context actions

After we update the versions, we can Load Maven Changes, using ⌘⇧I on MacOs or Ctrl+Shift+O on Windows/Linux. We see that the overview in the Vulnerable Checker tool window is updated, and we see that dependencies that we have upgraded and are no longer vulnerable are removed, or shown with a green checkmark if we have enabled Show safe dependencies.

Load Maven Changes


Summary and Shortcuts

As we have seen, the Package Checker plugin bundled with IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate offers several different ways in which we can view vulnerable dependencies in our project inside IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, get more information about these vulnerabilities, and remediate them. This plugin can help keep your projects safe and secure right inside your IDE!

Further reading and viewing

IntelliJ IDEA Shortcuts Used

Here are the IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts that we used.

NamemacOS ShortcutWindows / Linux Shortcut
Open / Close Project Tool Window⌘1Alt+1
Context Actions⌥⏎Alt+Enter
Load Maven Changes⌘⇧ICtrl+Shift+O
IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts used

IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate: Package Checker

In this screencast we’re going to take a look at the Package Checker plugin, that’s bundled with IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate

We’ll have a look at how to view known vulnerabilities in your Maven or Gradle projects, how to get more information about the known vulnerabilities in a specific dependency and how to remediate these vulnerabilities inside IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate if a new version with a fix is available.

Related Links

Managing dependencies in IntelliJ IDEA

In this tutorial, we’re going to take a look at managing dependencies in IntelliJ IDEA. We’ll look at different ways to add dependencies to your project, and how to add, upgrade and remove dependencies using Package Search.

Add dependencies

There are several ways to add new dependencies to your project.

From the build file using copy-paste

You have probably copied a dependency from Maven Repository (or another website) and pasted into your build file.

For example, we can copy the Gradle format for this dependency and paste it into our build.gradle file.

MvnRepository Gradle format

Copy dependency into build.gradle

Or, if we are using Maven, we can copy the Maven xml format into our pom.xml.

MvnRepository Maven format

Copy dependency into pom.xml

Did you know that if you copy-paste a Maven XML dependency into your build.gradle file, IntelliJ IDEA automatically turns it into the correct format for Gradle?

From the build file using code completion

We can also add dependencies to our build file using code completion. For example, let’s add a new dependency to our pom.xml.

Code completion in pom.xml

Code completion in pom.xml

Code completion in pom.xml

Code completion in pom.xml

We see that IntelliJ IDEA autocompletes the dependency xml, and we can search for the dependency we want, in this example AssertJ. If needed, the version number will also be added. Since this is a test dependency, we need to add the test scope, still using code completion.

Code completion in pom.xml

Code completion in pom.xml

Code completion works in Gradle too, as you can see below.

Code completion in build.gradle

Code completion in build.gradle

From the build file using code generation

We can also use code generation from the build file to add dependencies. In the build file, the pom.xml in a Maven project, invoke Package Search using ⌘N (on macOS) or Alt+Insert (on Windows & Linux) and in the menu that opens, select Add dependency. This will open the Dependencies tool window.

Invoke Package Search in pom.xml

Note that if we are using Gradle, we can do the same in our build.gradle file.

Invoke Package Search in build.gradle

From the Dependencies tool window

Alternatively, we can open the Dependencies tool window directly. There is no shortcut to open the Dependencies tool window, so we can either use Recent Files, ⌘E (on Mac) or Ctrl+E (on Windows/Linux), and type in “dependencies” to open the Dependencies tool window.

Recent Files Dependencies

Alternatively, we can open it by clicking Quick Launch in the bottom-left and selecting Dependencies.

Quick Launch Dependencies

In the Dependencies tool window, we can search for a dependency. For example, let’s search for AssertJ.

Search AssertJ

Note that we can select a scope for this dependency. The names of the scopes are based on the build tool with which you are working. Since this is a test dependency, and we are using Gradle in this project, we can set the scope to testImplementation.

Set Scope

We can also select the version we want to use.

Set Version

We can do the same in Maven.

Search AssertJ

Note that the names of scopes for Maven are different from Gradle. In Maven, we can set the scope for a test dependency to test.

Scope Maven

When we click Add, we see that the dependency is added to the build file.

Add AssertJ

If the version number is shown in red, that means IntelliJ IDEA hasn’t downloaded this library before. Click Load Maven Changes so IntelliJ IDEA will update its dependencies based on the changes to the pom.xml or build.gradle file.

Go back to the Dependencies tool window and clear the search box by clicking the x on the right-hand side. You’ll see the project’s dependencies are updated with your new dependency.

Next, let’s look for jackson-databind. We see that there are several versions available. Since we have selected Only stable, only stable versions are shown in the list.

Jackson-Databind Versions

If we uncheck this option, we see that the list of versions also includes the release candidates.

Jackson-Databind Only Stable Versions

For production code, we probably want to use stable versions, so let’s select the Only stable checkbox again. With this option enabled, IntelliJ IDEA will exclude any dependencies that have no stable versions, and hide them from the list. Now we can select the latest stable version and add this to our project. Let’s also Load Maven Changes again.

Finally, let’s also add a new dependency to the Kotlin module. Let’s switch to the Kotlin module and open the pom.xml for this module. Open the Dependencies Tool Window and search for Ktor.

Search Ktor

Notice that some dependencies are marked as Multiplatform.

Show Kotlin Multiplatform

If we want to see only Kotlin multiplatform dependencies, we can select the Kotlin multiplatform checkbox, as shown below.

Select Kotlin Multiplatform

When we click Add to the right of the Ktor dependency, we see that Ktor is added to the list of dependencies and to the pom.xml for the Kotlin module.

Add Ktor

Upgrade dependencies

We will also need to keep our dependencies up to date. To show you how IntelliJ IDEA can help, we are using this extremely outdated project as an example. In the pom.xml below, we see that several dependencies are marked with squiggly lines underneath them.

Outdated Dependencies in pom.xml

IntelliJ IDEA will show the suggestion to upgrade when we hover over the dependency, and we can click the suggestion to upgrade the dependencies.

Hover over outdated dependency

Alternatively, we can use Context Actions ⌥⏎ (on macOS) or Alt+Enter (on Windows & Linux) to upgrade these dependencies.

Context Actions

We can also upgrade our dependencies using the Dependencies tool window. The Dependencies tool window will tell us if there’s a newer version of a dependency, as we can see here.

Dependencies with newer versions

We can choose the version to upgrade to by clicking on the version number in the list. Note that we don’t have to use the latest version.

Select version

We can also automatically upgrade a dependency to the latest version by clicking Upgrade for that particular dependency.

Upgrade individual dependency

Or, we can even upgrade all our dependencies at once, by clicking the Upgrade all link.

Upgrade all dependencies

Remove dependencies

Finally, we can remove dependencies we no longer need. In the Dependencies tool window, let’s remove jackson-databind from the Java module. We select the dependency we want to remove (jackson-databind) and in the Dependency details pane on the right, click the More button (three dots) and select Remove.

Remove Dependency

We will see that the dependency is removed from the pom.xml and the dependency list. To remove a dependency from the whole project, select All Modules on the left.

Summary and Shortcuts

Now we know the different ways in which we can view our project’s dependencies in IntelliJ IDEA, and the different focus for each view.

IntelliJ IDEA Shortcuts Used

Here are the IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts that we used.

NamemacOS ShortcutWindows / Linux Shortcut
Open / Close Project Tool Window⌘1Alt+1
Recent Files⌘EControl+E
Invoke Package Search⌘NAlt+Insert
Context Actions⌥⏎Alt+Enter
Shortcuts used

Related Links

IntelliJ IDEA: Managing Dependencies

In this screencast, we’re going to take a look at managing dependencies in IntelliJ IDEA. We’ll look at different ways to add dependencies to your project, and how to add, update and remove dependencies using Package Search.

Related Links

Viewing dependencies in IntelliJ IDEA

In this blogpost we’re going to take a look at different ways to view your external dependencies in IntelliJ IDEA.


If you’re working on a real-world application, your project will probably use external libraries and frameworks. Occasionally, you might want to see which dependencies your project uses, for various reasons.

There are several ways to view dependencies in IntelliJ IDEA. Each view has a different focus.

Dependency management config file

You can find direct dependencies in the dependency management config file. Direct dependencies are the dependencies that your project depends on directly. They are declared in the dependency management config file.

One example is this pom.xml in a Maven project.

A pom.xml file opened in IntelliJ IDEA
Maven pom.xml file

Another example is the build.gradle in a Gradle project.

Gradle build.gradle file

Note that the dependency management config file includes only declared dependencies and not their transitive dependencies (or the dependencies that these declared dependencies depend on).

Project tool window

In the Project tool window, ⌘1 (on Mac) or Alt+1 (on Windows/Linux), under External Libraries we can see all the JAR files needed by our application, including the transitive dependencies. However, we cannot tell the difference between direct dependencies and transitive dependencies. One declared dependency might bring in multiple JAR files.

Project tool window

Build tool window

To see direct dependencies and their transitive dependencies, we can look in the Build tool window. There is no shortcut to open the Build tool window. We can open it by clicking Quick Launch in the bottom-left and selecting Gradle, or Maven depending on what we’re using.

Open the Maven Build Tool Window in the Quick Launch menu
Open the Gradle Build Tool Window in the Quick Launch menu

Alternatively, we can open it by using Recent Files, ⌘E (on Mac) or Ctrl+E (on Windows/Linux), and typing “gradle” or “maven”, or the name of your build system.

Open the Gradle Build Tool Window using the Recent Files popup

Open the Maven Build Tool Window using the Recent Files popup

The Build tool window shows you each IntelliJ IDEA module separately, and each module’s “Dependencies” folder shows you all your dependencies in a hierarchical structure. We can expand our dependencies to see their transitive dependencies.

Gradle Build Tool Window showing dependencies
Maven Build Tool Window showing dependencies

Dependency tool window

Finally, we can view and manage dependencies in the Dependencies tool window. The Dependencies tool window becomes available when the current project has at least one supported module. All types of dependencies are supported for Maven. For Gradle only a top level dependencies { } block is supported in the build script.

Since there is no shortcut to open the Dependencies tool window directly either, we can again use Recent Files, ⌘E (on Mac) or Ctrl+E (on Windows/Linux), and type in “dependencies” to open the Dependencies tool window.

Open the Dependencies Tool Window using the Recent Files popup

Alternatively, we can open it by clicking Quick Launch in the bottom-left and selecting Dependencies.

Open the Dependencies Tool Window in the Quick Launch menu

Here we can see our project’s direct dependencies. Select “All Modules” to see the dependencies for all modules, or select an indivual module to see the dependencies for that specific module. The Dependencies tool window shows direct dependencies, and not their transitive dependencies.

Dependencies Tool Window

We can see details about a selected dependency in the dependency details pane.

Dependency Details Pane

The dependency details pane displays the information about the selected dependency, such as:

  • Repository or repositories where it’s available, for example Maven Central
  • A description if it is available
  • GitHub information if the dependency sources are hosted on GitHub
  • The licence under which an open source library is available
  • A link to the project website, documentation and readme
  • List of usages in the current module.
  • Authors if available
  • Supported Kotlin or Multiplatform platforms if it is a Kotlin Multiplatform dependency

Summary and Shortcuts

Now we know the different ways in which we can view our project’s dependencies in IntelliJ IDEA, and the different focus for each view.

IntelliJ IDEA Shortcuts Used

Here are the IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts that we used.

NamemacOS ShortcutWindows / Linux Shortcut
Open / Close Project Tool Window⌘1Alt+1
Recent Files⌘EControl+E

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